What is our vision?

10 years from now, The North-East Region will become a national and european hub for Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Management and Cybersecurity through our regional human capital.


What are our objectives?

            The growth of our specialization level and our human resources number.

            The digitalization of our companies and our public administration together with the Data & Cybersecurity infrastructure development.

            Innovative SMEs development via new R&D structures and new investments in technological infrastructure.

            Partnership development between R&D/academic centre and private/industrial environment.

Identification of the high specialization sectors.

The 2021-2027 priority RIS3 sectors identification was made depending on a multicriteria regional analasys that used the following selection indicators:


       The existence of great industrial aglomerations

       The existence of some natural factors which favour the development of a prticular sector

       The existence of associative structures

       The analasys of the industrial and regional innoation value chains for every specific sector

       The innovative character of the analyzed sector

       Regional performances in the field

       Competitive and comparative regional advantages

       The existence of a regional competence base for a particular sector

       The existence of CDI and TT infrastructures

       Major challenges correlation (including societal challenges)

Smart Specialisation or RIS3 (Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation) is a strategic approach to economic development through targeted support for research and innovation. It involves a process of developing a vision, identifying the place-based areas of greatest strategic potential, developing multi-stakeholder governance mechanisms, setting strategic priorities and using smart policies to maximize the knowledge-based development potential of a region, regardless of whether it is strong or weak, high-tech or low-tech.

The ideas around Smart Specialisation are well in line with the European Commission overall growth strategy, and its response to the ongoing economic crisis. These include a focus on identifying niche areas of competitive strength, solving major societal challenges (bringing in a demand-driven dimension), innovation partnerships emphasizing greater co-ordination between different societal stakeholders and aligning resources and strategies between private and public actors of different governance levels. Smart Specialisation was also found to be an appropriate strategy to counteract EU R&D investment being amassed in a few northern regions and as a way for southern regions to find their strengths, develop their innovation potential and access these funds.

The North-East Region of Romania nurtures a clean, stable and safe business environment by linking to macro-economic EU framework conditions and by implementing European Commision’s Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3). Based on that, our team started a mapping and appraisal process of the existing high potential value chains in the region. The main focus of this process is on closing the loops in each value chain, to make the transition to a circular economy, and to transform the missing links into investment opportunities.

North_East RDA conducted the 3rd edition of the Regional Entrepreneurial Discovery Process “North-East Connect”, between March and July 2020, in order to identify/revalidate potential priority areas and specialisation niches, updating the sectoral vision, targets and intervention mechanisms, necessary to be implemented in the period 2021-2027 for each area of specialisation.