
Biotechnology is the science that studies bioproductive processes, based on the cultivation of cells, tissues of a plant, animal or microbial nature. This multidisciplinary science integrates specialized knowledge from biological sciences such as microbiology, cell and molecular biology, immunology, genetics and much more in order to use live microorganisms as well as other cell or tissue of plant or animal origin for obtaining products used in agriculture, zootechnics, food, medicine and pharmaceutical industry.

As a result of the biotechnology entrepreneurial discovery process conducted at the North-East Region level, there was a marked interest in 4 types of biotechnology:

1. Medical and pharmaceutical biotechnologies;

2. Agro-food biotechnologies;

3. Industrial biotechnologies;

4. Environmental biotechnologies;

Fundamental Fields:

• Chemical and technologic engineering;

• Biology and microbiology;

• Food engineering;

Future development directions & identified value chains:

• Pharmaceutical biotechnologies (obtaining effective antitumor, antiviral, antimicrobial vaccines preparations);

• Biofuels, bio-catalysts of industrial use;

• Bio Nanotechnologies (markers and imaging for early diagnosis of maladies);

• Agrofood biotechnologies (new improved products);