General Presentation - Fybrexnylon SA

1. Principal activity: electricity and other utilities distribution 
 Electrical power system (licensed distributor); 
 Potable & industrial water systems (authorized distributor); 
 Wastewater biological treatment plant (authorized distributor); 
 Natural gas system (authorized distributor E-ON ENERGIE);
2. Surface: 164 ha (out of which 101ha located on registered office address); Urbanism land register – industrial category 
3. Employers: 28
4. Logistic system: 
 The nearest airport is located in Bacau (40 KM of Savinesti); 
 Truck access: Access road DN15, Piatra Neamt – Bacau 
 Internal platform road access 
 Railway access: internal industrial railway linked to the national network; 
 Savinesti to Seaport Constanta – 430 km.
5. Turnover 2018: 4 mills. Eur

Available local capacities of utilities:

 Potable water 250 mc/hour (used 30%);
 River industrial water 5,000 mc/hour (used 3%); 
 Well industrial water 560 mc/hour (used 10%);
 Wastewater treatment 250 mc/hour (used 35%); 
 Electric Power Authorized 70 MWh (used 20%);

Electrical power system:

Consists of: 
  Intake system (North and South SRA’s), transforming from 110 kV to 6 kV and then to 380 V and electrical power distribution – operating;
  Energetic dispatching building;
  Central Electrical workshop;

Water system:

Consists of: 
   Potable water intake from Brasauti underground source;
  Industrial water intake from UHE channel and from Cracau;
   Sewerage system;
   Purifying of household water and treating chemical impure water within the Savinesti Water Treatment Plan;

Production spaces and land within industrial areas:

 There are available spaces and lands for production, storage, and office purposes.
 There are available the necessary industrial services (utilities, phone&fax, internet).
 The spaces are particularly proper for industrial activities as textile production, carpentry, mechanics, machine-tools, wood and paper processing or logistic activities as a warehouse.
The space structure could be easy to modify related to customer requests.
 There is also available specialized manpower in the production fields above mentioned.

Available space for rent:

 43.760sqm of buildings consists of:  
 Mechanical workshop 3,900 sqm 
 Textile building Relon I-III 24,000 sqm 
 Warehouses 8,660 sqm 
 Administrative building 4,600 sqm 
 Other small buildings 2,600 sqm 
 Lands available to build 350,000 sqm
Note: Current space rented: 39,000 sqm

Land available features

1. 35 ha 
2. All the necessary utilities 
3. Road access 
4. Space guarded 
5. Industrial area (PUG) 
6. Hydrants network 
7. Compressive strength of soil: 3 - 3,5 daN/cm 
8. Internal roads and railways (linked to the national network);

* For any other relevant information or the presentation of the project, please contact the representatives from the North-East Regional Development Agency, the Private Investment Office.